

We are

EMS fitness provider in the GCC and KSA
About Us

Fast Fit

Fast Fit EMS stands as the largest EMS fitness provider in the GCC and KSA, revolutionizing the fitness landscape with a unique approach. Our signature 20-minute weekly sessions utilize advanced Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology, designed to maximize results while minimizing time spent working out.

This innovative method has positioned us as a leader in the fitness industry, offering a quick yet effective alternative to traditional exercise routines.

Our presence spans across KSA with multiple branches, each dedicated to delivering a personalized fitness experience. At Fast Fit EMS, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

We’re not just changing the way people exercise; we’re shaping a new era of fitness, one 20-minute session at a time.

OUR VISION & Mission


To inspire individuals globally to embrace a healthier lifestyle and thrive in their pursuit of well-being.


To revolutionize the fitness industry by providing innovative and convenient workout solutions that integrate into everyday life, empowering individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals.

EMS Technology

20 min per week! How?

Innovative EMS Technology at Fast Fit

At Fast Fit, we pride ourselves on leveraging cutting-edge Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology to revolutionize fitness routines. Our state-of-the-art EMS system is designed to deliver efficient and effective workouts, suitable for a wide range of fitness levels and goals.

How It Works: EMS technology stimulates muscles through gentle electrical impulses, which mimic the natural action of the central nervous system, allowing for a deeper and more intense muscle contraction than traditional exercise. This innovative approach ensures a comprehensive workout in just a fraction of the time required by conventional training methods.

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ماذا يقول العملاء

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إن التحول الذي شهدته مع فاست فت إي إم إس كان استثنائيًا. لا يقتصر الأمر على فقدان الوزن فحسب، بل يتعلق بالشعور بالقوة والنشاط. الموظفون ودودون، والمدربون على أعلى مستوى، والجو محفز.